Sunday, August 31, 2014

Child Actress/Model Rajit Sukhal

It was on a Saturday August 30, 2014 at Mary Kay Beauty Center at Victoria Towers in Panaty Avenue with Beauty Consultant Donabel Palmes De Torres - Virtusio that we met this 11-year old actress with her Mom Liza accompanied by Talent Coordinator Rez Yho Chan for her Modelling Photoshoot experience. Her face alone  is worth millions if not hundred of thousands.  This Fiipina Indian Beauty has a perfect angling, may she turn left or right in close-up shots.  Complete teeth, nice contour of her nose and a very tantalizing eyes.  In fact, many of those at Mary Kay Beauty Center approached this young lady only to ask for her name, complimenting her beauty.  Her name is Rajit Sukhal, a GMA 7 talent appearing in soap operas with lines.

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